Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Off Season Travel Plans: Think About the Region You Visit

People who work may schedule and plan trips in January for the year. Many workers only take one trip a year and want to ensure every detail is what they really want to do.  Other people may schedule the time away in advance and then make last minute plans as they go.

This month's travel tip: remember to ask about the region and things like the weather, attractions, and events you may find. 

Bundled up and playing in the surf, Santa Cruz, CA by DW

Some travelers take advantage of off season travel with less crowds and lower prices.  Be flexible during the off season as there may not be the same opportunities.  When I wrote about my three favorite trips during the off season in 2010 – I included some of challenges I encountered. 

An example is the fabulous idea of visiting Victoria, Canada in December.  I found really low hotel room rates at The Fairmont Empress Hotel by going before the holidays in December.  One of my friends mentioned the idea of flying a seaplane from Seattle to Victoria.  It is a fun to do - in clear weather!

I did my research and found a reliable company providing this service and made reservations.  After arriving at Sea-Tac Airport I had to transfer from Sea-Tac Airport to where they took off in downtown Seattle.  I quickly discovered because of the dense visibility (fog and rain) there was a chance the seaplanes might not depart. Oh no, now what?  

We boarded the plane and took off, only to return ten minutes later. I changed my plans and took a ferry the next day.   I enjoyed the rest of the trip with an English Tea at The Empress, winter holiday lights at Buchart Gardens, museums, and shopping in downtown Victoria.

Do you think this is probably common sense?  It is so easy to forget this as you get caught up in making other travel plans. This is when a travel consultant will help guide you with recommendations. 

Yes, there are dog friendly beaches in Santa Cruz CA by DW

My insider secret ~ one of my favorite off season trips is through northern California in the winter – if you come, do bring a raincoat or umbrella with your sunglasses ~~ The Fun Tour Guru

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 Go San Francisco 49ers!  Super Bowl 2013