Sunday, September 18, 2011

Welcome Weekend - Santa Clara University

I strayed away from my normal activities yesterday, even skipping our Art & Wine Festival in Santa Clara (I know I can go today (Sunday) to watch my favorite band, Joe Sharino).  By doing this I stumbled upon the back-to-college weekend at Santa Clara University. I listened to the new Student Body President for 2011 and to President Michael Engh, President of Santa Clara University.

Santa Clara University President Welcomes Students

I was really taken in to watch over the heads of these 3,000 students with their families preparing to go through their world journey.  I know that graduation is a big deal and an accomplishment, I am glad I was able to see the fresh start, beginning journey of these students' yesterday.What lies ahead each of them?

Traveling?  Yes, people are now traveling to get situated in Universities across USA for the 8-9 months.  Congratulations to these students with their choices! And, good luck and enjoy your college years!

Bringing you news as we see it each day! ~ The Fun Tour Guru

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