Saturday, December 31, 2011

Famous Address: 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino, California

From searching for a lunch place to Apple Computer. A fascinating day trip today. 

The story I planned to write today was to introduce readers to a south bay location of a popular San Francisco restaurant - in Cupertino - inside our local Whole Foods Market.  The popular vegan restaurant, Cafe Gratitude. 

On My Way To Lunch

This restaurant has been on my list of things to do for awhile. It is unfortunate to receive the information that Cafe Gratitude in the south bay, along with other locations in the Bay Area, have been closed. 

After a quick search, I found several articles of the recent closure.  Please plan ahead and call to see if your location has closed yet. I will not comment as to what happened because I do not know details.  Perhaps the Undercover Waitress will dig a little deeper into the why of the closure and what happened as this is a favorite place for many to eat.

I recommend, as usual, when you are in Silicon Valley, please use your iPhone and call or email a local person, like me, to verify if establishments still exist, hours, and addresses.

Silicon Valley is ever-changing which seems to happen overnight because of construction.  It saves time as you plan your day itineraries.  Or, better yet, let me assist with the planning.

Tribute to this Famous Silicon Valley Address 

I decided December 31 is a great day to stop by the famous "1 Infinite Loop" and pay tribute the company everyone knows very well.  It is the home of iPhones, iPads, iMAC Computers, etc. and the story of two entrepreneurs named Steve.  

A frequent question I receive is, "where is Cupertino, CA?"  People see this location marked on their Apple equipment and don't recognize this Silicon Valley town.  I didn't measure my mileage, the whole loop around main Apple Campus is big to drive around. 

(Insert with 2016 comment - this does not include the new Apple Campus)

You will find several smaller Apple campuses throughout Cupertino. This area is quite active during the work week and is a rare sight not to see people wandering about.  

My favorite resource telling the Apple Story is Apple Confidential, by Owen W. Linzmayer.  People still ask me if they may have my copy, with a 1999 copyright. (Of course, it is not for sale... yet)
  • Remember, research and make plans ahead of time for what you want to do in this area. 
  • Be flexible, if the place or restaurant you want to see is closed, there may be something around the corner to see.  
  • And, call a local person to verify information first.   
Apple Company Store, 1 Infinite Loop

Insider Information:  Visit the Apple Company store which is open Monday - Friday, during business hours, and fun to browse. 

Yes, I have driven past Apple Garage where Apple Computer was started. Does anyone want me to go by and get a picture of it?  Hint: It is located nearby in Los Altos, CA and is still a private residence. 

Its never to late to start new things ~ do it now ~ from The Fun Tour Guru

Pictures are taken from my old Canon point and shoot - contact me if you want to purchase a new one taken with my iPhone 5s.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

One Week Remaining in 2011, What Will You Do?

I am in slow motion today, yet I want to publish this before Christmas Day.  

This week I have some extra time and I started my search of something to do over the holidays.  I missed the opportunity of taking a trip because of my focus with my full time work. I am grateful to have this modest income now, with work selling to groups which I really enjoy, and it is even with a great company.
Now, I sit in my chair staring at my blank monitor. I am trying to think of what to do on this last week of the year, 2011. Yes, I admit, the Fun Tour Guru who shares fun things to do off the beaten path is blank.  

I start scrolling through several of my favorite articles and websites. I search through many different local organizations for gatherings, to no avail. I don’t feel the charge I used to have as I read through traditional holiday happenings or with chances of getting free tickets this year.  I keep looking. 

I remember the things I found to share with my readers this year like one-time events to electric cars on our streets.

Yes, Another California Sunset and Kites Flying in the Distance
I was able to share our California sunset with my brother and his wife after spotting whales in Monterey Bay.

I have had fun stepping outside the box and sharing news of events which I don’t usually partake of.  I may not be an “avid” fan of everything I see and do, (yes, I used that infamous word writers hate) it was very fascinating to spend time around these unusual events for one day. I found the Annieglass Art Studio in Watsonville, new wineries, and mingled with the Santa Cruz Mayor and public during the Classic Woodies event. As a volunteer, I drove guests in miniature GoCars through San Francisco who were in town for the International Pow Wow (US Travel Association) after taking one of my own groups on a tour in March. (The crooks and curves of Lombard Street will never be the same!)

Favorite posts of mine last year ~ How to Travel to other Local Regions during the Off Season and sharing a Shortbread cookie recipe from Scotland . I had an impromptu introduction of a well known hospitality industry icon, CEO and Author, Chip Conley, whom (or is  it who) I follow.  And, I was inspired by and talked to Tory Johnson, at the Spark and Hustle LA event. It is never to late to start again.

How do I end this year? 

I finally find the website tugging at me.  And, it is a familiar one. Broadway San Jose. I read through the musical shows and there is one I have never seen and is in town next week.  Yes, when I used to volunteer as a regular on the SVCA (Concierge) Board, and we would receive tickets randomly, to different musicals.

This time it is different.  I clicked the button and purchased a ticket as a gift to myself to see CATS.  I remembered one of my friends telling me many years ago, "the benefit of buying a single ticket to shows is getting fantastic seats in the front rows of the theater." It is only 10 miles away in downtown San Jose.  Remember, you don’t talk to people during the show. You have friends to see during the intermission.  Pick an afternoon matinee to attend. And, go.

I purchased my ticket and will get to see Cats, as a ViP, in a front row seat.  This is a good tip for everyone,  as solo travelers, and you find old acquaintances to bump into or meet new people.  Practice going solo in your home town and when you make plans for your special long vacation trip next year, you will have some techniques worked out.

For me, it is not always about going on the most trips, or the cheapest, or even free items you might find.  Follow your instinct and choose something that intrigues you and purchase a gift to yourself. Save your money and treat yourself. This special item will be different for everyone. What will you DO on the last week of this year?

If you are in San Jose, will I see you at Cats next week?

Happy Holidays! And, Merry Christmas! ~ The Fun Tour Guru

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Something New for Silicon Valley Tours

I know I have been absent for a short time. Please forgive me. I do want to send a thank you to all the readers that have been visiting this blog in November. I appreciate the traffic, and it is a great feeling that I don't even need to announce my posts. 

Anyway, my next trip out and about I need to drive to Menlo Park and check out the new Facebook campus. Below is a link to the Mercury News article (12/08/2011) about a permanent feature on their campus now. 

Aha, something to add to sightseeing tours in Silicon Valley, Facebook's 'Like' sign in Menlo Park becomes permanent.  Link to picture in the Mercury News

Post here if you want to go see it!

Finding the unusual in Silicon Valley, The Fun Tour Guru

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Free Thanksgiving Gift to Everyone from Silicon Valley/San Francisco

A USA Holiday 

"Tis the night before Thanksgiving. With a hustle everywhere.  Yes, people are on the go, actively stirring in places like grocery stores, airports, shopping centers, and kitchens. They are finalizing plans for a huge feast and fun activities with friends and family tomorrow.  And some may even be volunteering to help others in need. "  ~me

I am writing something different tonight as I wish everyone a fabulous Thanksgiving this year.  When I saw this house in Silicon Valley decorated for Thanksgiving, I knew immediately this is a "sign" this year. 

Let's pay it forward to someone else this weekend.

Stop and shake someone's hand. Call someone. Around the world.  Please let me know with your comment below what you are doing. 

Happy Thanksgiving! Friends. Family. Everyone! Not in USA? I hope you have wonderful week.

Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road. Let's have fun now with our journey through life!  The Fun Tour Guru

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Architecture & Artwork, Santana Row, San Jose, CA (Silicon Valley)

Look closely at the details. What do you see in these two pictures? They were taken in one of our favorite San Jose, CA modern, upscale hangouts and shopping neighborhoods, Santana Row.  Sometimes we need to stop, look and admire the beauty during our shopping. 

Today's Travel Tip:  Look up!  on our local streets.

Would you like to go on a walking tour with me?   Food and wine tastes, art, and stories... this is what I look for.  How about you?

Garlic embedded on new buildings - Valley of Hearts Delight, San Jose CA History

Look up and find these 'Shapes of Moons' Art Work

Out and around ~ The Fun Tour Guru 

Both pictures taken by me, a few years a part. One is a from film, the other digital.   

DIY: book hotel rooms online?  Help us out and reserve at our new website. We donate a percentage of monies to your favorite charity!  I give to End Alzheimers Disease.  Lighthouse Travel and Tours    
Who is your favorite charity?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Electric Car Found in Silicon Valley October 2011

The day is here.  This is a sight that is new and more frequent now. I found this car in the parking garage of Domain Hotel in Sunnyvale when I was out and about.  

I admit I am not that technical.  I will leave it to my readers to share more details here, like what type of car? (other than a shiny, red car)  So many questions like where are charging stations?  

I hope this is the new sign from one our newest employers, Tesla Motors, here...... in Silicon Valley and other regions too. 

Electric cars are here.  Do you drive one? Will you buy one?

Another unusual find, or is it so unusual?  The Fun Tour Guru

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Downtown San Francisco, California

Downtown San Francisco

When you drive through a town, remember to stop, park, and get out of your car. I captured unique views of downtown San Francisco looking above the Painted Ladies (Victorian Houses). The nickname is Postcard Row. I make my own postcards now from my pictures.

In the picture, what is the tallest building in San Francisco, or the Bank of America building?  Tell us now with your comments below. 

Name the street in picture (below)?

Straying off the beaten path ~ The Fun Tour Guru

One never tires looking at these sights! 

Visit our new website at Lighthouse Travel and Tours.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Day to Remember the Local News, Yesterday in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley displays a quiet hum without much excitement.  Excitement comes when engineers complete the latest cycle of their project or develop the new, cool, innovating tool we will start using. Or, Tech workers escape in the evening over drinks and dinner with friends sharing news of their daily lives. Competitive, yet always looking for a solution together. 

Yesterday brought other news to me

My day started out watching the eerie news of the California shooting.  It was different this time because this happened within 10 miles of where I am located. And the suspect escaped through a peaceful neighborhood suburb nearby where I drove past the County Sheriff blockades last night.

My day finished reading the news of Steve Jobs death, a Silicon Valley icon. Although I never personally met Steve, I walked the same paths he walked in the southern San Francisco bay area. It was when I finished reading Apple Confidential by Owen W. Linzmayer that I became intrigued with Silicon Valley history. Yes, ever changing, from the gold rush, orchards, and now technology. Steve Jobs was the one with strange, unusual ideas - they worked. 

I am reminded of this poem I found which I used to share with people on day trips as we returned to Silicon Valley.
Mary Bowden Carroll from "Ten Years in Paradise"

Silicon Valley is a place of legend and hyperbole.  Promoters have lauded it as ‘the center of a progressive force for global change’ through technology.  Social activists claim it to be a ‘place of warped and unrealistic financial expectations – where success is measured in terms of dollars, not personal happiness.’

For most of its residents Silicon Valley is simply an exciting and challenging place to work and live surrounded  by spectacular scenery with an unbeatable climate.  They just have to share these considerable benefits with a large number of fellow residents, all of whom seem to want to travel on the same freeway at the same time.

This is not a big city, it is a suburb, with local people stories.  

Yesterday, a day to remember ~ The Fun Tour Guru

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bike Parking at Your Event (Santa Cruz, CA)

Bike Valet

Are these only in California at outdoor events?  It is typical to find around here and environment friendly.  This bike valet was spotted at an event in Santa Cruz.  A nice, organized set up to help out visitors, just sayin.... get some exercise, ride up to the event entrance, and park your bikes with a trusted source.

Have bike, will travel!  ~ The Fun Tour Guru 

Do you like this story?  Comment below and browse the rest of our website.  

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Welcome Weekend - Santa Clara University

I strayed away from my normal activities yesterday, even skipping our Art & Wine Festival in Santa Clara (I know I can go today (Sunday) to watch my favorite band, Joe Sharino).  By doing this I stumbled upon the back-to-college weekend at Santa Clara University. I listened to the new Student Body President for 2011 and to President Michael Engh, President of Santa Clara University.

Santa Clara University President Welcomes Students

I was really taken in to watch over the heads of these 3,000 students with their families preparing to go through their world journey.  I know that graduation is a big deal and an accomplishment, I am glad I was able to see the fresh start, beginning journey of these students' yesterday.What lies ahead each of them?

Traveling?  Yes, people are now traveling to get situated in Universities across USA for the 8-9 months.  Congratulations to these students with their choices! And, good luck and enjoy your college years!

Bringing you news as we see it each day! ~ The Fun Tour Guru

Share your comments with us! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Silence. Remembers September 11 in Silence.

Silence. September 11


A day to remember in silence. I will never have the memories and feelings of the people who were in the places of turmoil on this day. My heart connects to them in silence.

I remember the days of silence that followed without any activity - our skies were empty because air traffic was closed.  After I called my brother (and pilot) I went to sit in one of our local parks where I would watch planes take off and land from SJC (Mineta San Jose International Airport).  On 9/11/2001 and for several days after, no activity. Silence. 

I was at home that morning working on my computer when I saw news updates. I was in disbelief like everyone. 

I was in the midst of finalizing my plans for a trip to the Greek Islands departing on 9/14/2001. I had exchanged my currency, scheduled my airport shuttle, and started packing. The trip was canceled (because no planes flying) without refund. I still have not taken this one trip.

I have a New York City skyline postcard with the Twin Towers in the middle that was sent to me from my friend visiting New York City - a postmark of 8/22/2001 – it is framed, on my wall.

This is what I remember as I wake up today and listen to planes flying overhead and low today. A magnificent noise we sometimes take for granted.

A couple of years ago when I was showing our fabulous San Francisco to this friend (who sent the postcard), we found ourselves (without planning) in the middle of the Presidio cemetery overlooking the San Francisco bay. The day: September 11.  It is fascinating how we were automatically guided to this place to remember in silence. 

Presidio San Francisco September 11, 2009

I am grateful for the noise today.   

Remembers this day and the silence, always ~ The Fun Tour Guru

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sleeping Tips in Hotels

I enjoy your questions and conversations, please continue to comment either here, on my Facebook page, or by email.  I will share tips to help. 

Do You Sleep Well in Hotels?

My answer follows to one of the travel concerns people mention about how they are not able to sleep because of the external noise in hotels.  Now this may be from various reasons beyond a traveler’s control.  You are in an unfamiliar environment. There are several ways to overcome noise or sleepless nights as seen in the USA Travel Today video by Rolf Potts in 2010.

The one thing that I do is to turn on my external radio, located next to the bed. I like listening to jazz or instrumental stations. You may like other types of music.  I find this will rise above any other external noise.  Yet, I am able to wake up in case of emergencies that may happen and for my early morning wake up call when working on-site meetings. If I wear my iPod, there is always the possibility of over sleeping. 

Preparing the Bed for Travelers The Scott Resort & Spa 2009
Insider Tip: I also enjoy roasting marshmellows and eating s'mores along side fireplaces at the The Scott Resort.

My Favorite Resort Hotel

This brings memories to me of one of my favorite hotels that I stayed with a couple of years ago, the Scott Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona.  I discovered little thoughtful things I needed were already provided, like extra power outlets for my electronic toys located in the base of lamps. The flowing waterfalls were relaxing, and they happen to offset any conflicting noise throughout the resort (like lively group gatherings). And, it reminded me of my favorite by-the-water properties.  When my bed covers were turned down at night, my guest room attendant also turned on soft jazz music.  Of course the friendly and engaging staff of the resort was a bonus.  Simple tricks to enjoy your stay. 

View the USA Travel Today video by Rolf Potts and find more information.

What is your favorite tip for sleeping in hotels? 

Have a fantastic night's sleep!  ~ Exploring with the Fun Tour Guru 

Did you know you may reserve hotel rooms at our new website now, Lighthouse Travel and Tours?  Try it!  Every room you reserve we will donate partial proceeds to your favorite charity! We even found some favorite European Hostels to stay in!

*Image credit by Fun Tour Guru

Friday, August 26, 2011

Not Going on Vacation this Year? Plan and Research Now

Is it cool to darn socks?

Holes in Your Socks?

How many people really know how to darn socks?  Do you take the time to mend them,  simply throw them out, or do you give them to good will?  Why not learn how to darn?

In the business world and news, trending topics are still about recession aftermath - economy and jobs.  What does this mean to you?  Will you be affected with this?  Will you go on a personal vacation?

Think of traveling like darning your socks this year.  Find a way to stretch your dollars to do what you want to do.

If you are searching for work, I do understand the challenging times you may face.  Many times other people don't think about how this affects their friends.  

They don't know what your actual situation may entail - and it is unfortunate that they include you in things to do without thinking about your personal struggles, expecting you to keep up with them.  Even though you have an abundance of time, are you really even thinking about a vacation for yourself right now?

You should. Even if you may not be able to afford the trip right now, why not escape from the work search and go to the library to do research on where you really want to go once you get the job?  Many libraries even have tapes and videos of international languages and customs that you may practice for free or at a low cost.

Personal vacations are time to get away, clear your mind, relax, and have some fun.  Research attractions close to home - places you never seem to have the time to explore while working.  These are less crowded during the week and it is a chance to get away from your busy thoughts.

Two things to remember are to be 'alert and plan carefully'.   Some things you may do now:

1.  Start to plan your future vacations in advance rotating periodically every six months – example is to plan a long vacation, and take a short getaway.  When you are working or after you find work, set aside a $30 (or an amount correct for you) weekly for your adventure.

2.  Travel to a local region or within USA.  Don't forget places like Glacier National Park and Alaska have changing environments - take the time to see now.  These places may not be as expensive as going to international regions.  Canada is an affordable and easy international getaway to research. 

3.  Solo travel is fun, yet not for everyone.  What group do you hang out with?  Fuel surcharges and hotel rooms may be expensive. Traveling with a group helps by splitting expenses between your friends.  You might find people in your book groups, knitting groups, lawn bowling group, Facebook group, family group – what groups are you active with?  Find out who might go with you and set aside dates now. First ask them to go for a coffee or ice cream with you.  Get acquainted before your trip.

 4.  Make a list of places in your favorite region like deli’s and restaurants for meals, grocery stores, events. Find picnic friendly places to go with your friends on weekends.  This is fun and not to expensive. 

5.  Use your souvenirs for gifts.  Organize your digital imagesCreate your own earrings, bracelets, and key chains.  Send these collections to your family and friends.

6.  If you want to travel internationally, remember to save now and pay cash as much as you can. Create a budget. Don't over charge your credit cards.

These new vacation goals are important reasons to accelerate your job search (or to keep that job you have now).

Research your ideas now.  And remember to stretch those dollars you do have.   

Darning socks can be cool! Don't let one hole in your sock get you down right now.  

What are you doing to create your next trip goal?

Make a Goal like:  Shopping in Switzerland 

Did you like this article? Please review the items in this sidebar and share with your friends.  Share with comments below. 

 Include your vacation trip in your life plans ~ The Fun Tour Guru

(By the way, the above story comes from listening to many of the unemployed and underemployed stories still active around us. I hope to give them tips to help out.)
Sock image - courtesy of Microsoft Clipart

Friday, August 19, 2011

Round-About (Literally) in Santa Cruz, CA

Are we in London, England?  

Check out this new change locally, Round-About in Santa Cruz, on your way to the Beach Boardwalk and Wharf.  Sometimes we aren't privy to the local why's when they do things. This is how  significant traffic is managed.  Does it help? Or do you get dizzy? Have you seen this? 

Will large tour motor-coaches be able to navigate these? 
Welcome comments! 

There are lots of improvements - slow down, be careful, and enjoy! And this is why it is necessary to return.

Keeping abreast the new changes in Northern California ~ The Fun Tour Guru 

Do you like this update?  Tell us in the comments!  Thank you for reading! 

Please contact us for permission to use pictures. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sailing in San Francisco on the Adventure Cat, Catamaran

This is one of my favorite things to do in San Francisco.

I enjoy my time close to home in the San Francisco bay region.  I appreciate that many people are coming inbound to see our local area.  I am grateful to be in a region like this – surrounded with so many things to do, the beauty around us, and our mild weather.  

I know this sounds like a Julie Andrews' Sound of Music cliche, it is fun to focus on my own favorite things.

A not-so-secret fun activity anymore in San Francisco is sailing on the bay.  I have done several types - normal sightseeing cruises, yachts, canoes, and even had a chance to go on a private sailboat on the bay.  My favorite escapade on the water is to be on board a Catamaran. 

On Board the Cat!

I found the Adventure Cat Sailing Charters (800) 498-4228, an excellent, affordable, up-close experience. You will go on board one of the catamarans and enjoy your escape from the real world for one and a half hours.  Without the crowds, you glide across the bay and see familiar sights in a much different way.  Fort Baker, Alcatraz and Angel Islands, views of the city, and activities on the bay.  And, the crew loves kids on board.

I enjoy the fact there are no lines to stand in before getting on board. Advance reservations are necessary, when you arrive, just walk around behind Pier 39, past the other long bay cruise lines, to the Adventure Cat gate where you will be met by one of the personable, friendly crew.

Ticket prices and information is on their website for day and evening sails - children tickets are less.

Call me, if you want to go ~ I am always up for an Adventure Cat sail!

Where would YOU like to go? ~ The Fun Tour Guru

Yes, all pictures are property of The Fun Tour Guru 

Please go to our website at Lighthouse Travel & Tours, the Santa Clara CA Tour Company to get tour news, reserve hotels, and sign up for our weekly newsletter.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Word Cloud Tools to Use With Our Blogs

What is the word theme throughout our blog? Share comments with us below or on facebook.

I indulged in this fabulous way to add some spice to blogs and websites. This word cloud was created by tool.  I found by reading this Small Business Trends article, A Creative Way to Reach Out to Bloggers.  

What do YOU think?  Share your comments.